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Video Games and Mental Health
May 28, 2017 by Luke / Edit post
Did you know that 30-50% people suffer mental health issues at some point in their life?
This week on the show, Luke, Rachel and Jimmy are joined by the lovely Dr. Jennifer Hazel, founder of CheckPoint, which is a non-profit organisation which acts to connect mental health resources with video games and technology. We talk all about mental health and video games, and how technology can be used in recovery and as a therapeutic assist when you’re going through struggles like loneliness, depression and anxiety. You can access CheckPoint and their resources here:
CheckPoint also currently have a Kickstarter running for the mental health and video games webseries, which you should absolutely back! Just click here.
ALSO on the show, the news of the week, PLUS some massive reviews! Luke goes on a magical journey with RiME, Ronnie battles some of the best in Injustice 2 and Jakob has the verdict on visual novel RPG Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception. It’s all here in a very special episode of your favourite video game show!
Featured at the start of the episode is this amazing track from Lindsey Stirling; watch the beautiful video below!
Your hosts:

Luke Mitchell
Luke spends his time making radio, playing video games, binge-watching TV, getting unreasonably invested in wrestling, hosting bear events and hanging out with his beautiful pets.
Rachel Humphreys
Rachel (Trance) is a long time gamer full time nerd without a plan... When she's not playing on some manner of console or handheld device she can be found enjoying popculture life to its fullest.
Jimmy Twin
Jimmy was named after Jiminy Cricket and is thankful his mother had bad spelling.