Listen to the show!
Checkpoint Flashback is a new podcast, where we go back in time to bring you some wonderful content from yester-year! With three years of radio under our belt, we hope that new listeners enjoy these snippets of the show in its earlier days.
Next up… remember when the Checkpoint team were discussing sex in video games and trying to not make it entirely about innuendo?
“This week on the show, the studio is packed and the topic is HOT! Luke, Kev, Meags, Fin and Archer are all here to talk about a topic that can be quite controversial when it comes to video games… That’s right, sex! With video games causing problems with their depiction of women as early as 1982, there is a long and dirty history when it comes to sex and sexuality being shown in a format that for a long time was considered ‘for kids’.”
“We’ve evolved a lot since then, and there are fantastic examples of video games that feature sex through a complex relationship building element… but then there are things like Hot Coffee and BMX XXX bringing us down.”
Your hosts:

Luke Mitchell
Luke spends his time making radio, playing video games, binge-watching TV, getting unreasonably invested in wrestling, hosting bear events and hanging out with his beautiful pets.
Finlay Gustus
Fin is into RPGs, strategy and anything online and competitive. When he's not gaming you'll find him catching up on the latest streams, TV shows and sleep