Listen to the show!
Checkpoint Flashback is a new podcast, where we go back in time to bring you some wonderful content from yester-year! With three years of radio under our belt, we hope that new listeners enjoy these snippets of the show in its earlier days.
Next up… remember when the Checkpoint team talked about their absolute favourite games from the 90s?
“This week on the show it’s all about the decade that arguably started all the major trends… yes, it’s the 90’s! From the SNES and SEGA Mega Drive in the early nineties through to the Nintendo 64 and the original Playstation that definitely changed the way we played games forever, this was the time that defined gaming and for many of us defined our childhood!”
“Kev, Luke and Meags take a trip down memory lane and talk about some of their most memorable games from the 90’s, and talk about the many titles YOU brought up on social media!”
Your hosts:

Luke Mitchell
Luke spends his time making radio, playing video games, binge-watching TV, getting unreasonably invested in wrestling, hosting bear events and hanging out with his beautiful pets.