Listen to the show!
Checkpoint Flashback is a new podcast, where we go back in time to bring you some wonderful content from yester-year! With three years of radio under our belt, we hope that new listeners enjoy these snippets of the show in its earlier days.
Next up… remember when the Checkpoint team geeked out about one of their favourite genres, JRPG’s?
“This week on the show, Luke, Fin and Viv talk about one of their absolute favourite gaming genres… JRPGs! Or, Japanese Role Playing Game for those playing at home. We talk about our favourite games and discuss what sort of things define the way a JRPG plays compared to a Western RPG, and also talk about the things we love about ’em and some of the things that we don’t love about ’em.”
Don’t forget to get all the latest gaming news and reviews at
Your hosts:

Luke Mitchell
Luke spends his time making radio, playing video games, binge-watching TV, getting unreasonably invested in wrestling, hosting bear events and hanging out with his beautiful pets.
Finlay Gustus
Fin is into RPGs, strategy and anything online and competitive. When he's not gaming you'll find him catching up on the latest streams, TV shows and sleep

Vivienne Wright
Artist, creator, streamer and chaos bean, Vava is always laughing and rarely pessimistic. You can usually spot them playing Genshin Impact on Twitch weekly, dreaming up new worlds in D&D, consuming horror and fantasy content or sleeping in a blanket burrito.