Listen to the show!
Checkpoint Flashback is a new podcast, where we go back in time to bring you some wonderful content from yester-year! With three years of radio under our belt, we hope that new listeners enjoy these snippets of the show in its earlier days.
Next up… remember when the Checkpoint team discussed the good things and the bad things about beta tests of upcoming video games?
“This week on the show, Luke, Archer, Meags and Tom come together to discuss the concept of beta testing! Used as a tool for game developers to test out how the game operates in a public space, they can be interesting to take part in, but is it actually a good tool for testing… or is it just marketing hype? It seems like every game release nowadays has a beta before it launches, so the crew discuss what we think about them, the ones that have worked and the ones that haven’t.”
Don’t forget to get all the latest gaming news and reviews at
Your hosts:

Luke Mitchell
Luke spends his time making radio, playing video games, binge-watching TV, getting unreasonably invested in wrestling, hosting bear events and hanging out with his beautiful pets.
Morgan Archer
Having arguments in 140 characters or less since 2010