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This week on the show, we discuss how we – as gamers – are represented in the mainstream media. While being a gigantic industry, video games are still often perceived quite negatively in the media, whether it’s a news report linking gaming to violence or a popular TV show showing us all as antisocial nerds. There are a lot of damaging and just plain dumb stereotypes out there that make us look awful.
Join Cam, Elliot, Archer and Rachel as they discuss these perceptions by mainstream media, how damaging they can be to us as a community and the problem with those who don’t play video games having their points of view altered by these incorrect ideas. We also take you through the news of the week as always. Don’t miss any of the action!
Your hosts:
Cameron Honey-Swain
Cameron knows what he loves. Witches, animated ducks and a strong burly female protagonist. When he isn't effortlessly defending Dragon Age II he is bothering either his husband or one of his many fur children.
Elliot Attard
Beer aficionado, PC gamer, TV show binge-watcher, music lover, and elite member of high society - Elliot possesses all of the qualities needed to project his word thoughts straight into your eye holes.
Morgan Archer
Having arguments in 140 characters or less since 2010
Rachel Humphreys
Rachel (Trance) is a long time gamer full time nerd without a plan... When she's not playing on some manner of console or handheld device she can be found enjoying popculture life to its fullest.