Listen to the show!
Checkpoint Intimates is a weekly podcast where two members of the team go one-on-one on a topic that they both feel strongly about, talking in a more deeper and, yes, intimate context.
This week, Elliot and Kolby talk about the strange world of abandonware. Abandonware is a product, typically software, ignored by its owner and manufacturer, and for which no support is available. Although such software is usually still under copyright, the owner may not be tracking copyright violations.
The boys look at how third parties offering these titles means that they won’t be lost to time. The legal ramifications and what happens when a company starting paying attention to their forget software again, as seen with Nintendo’s latest lawsuit with ROM distributors. What if the games and series we know and love today one day become abandonware.
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Your hosts:

Elliot Attard
Beer aficionado, PC gamer, TV show binge-watcher, music lover, and elite member of high society - Elliot possesses all of the qualities needed to project his word thoughts straight into your eye holes.

Kolby James
Advocate for Sega. Fan of the 90s.