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Checkpoint Intimates is a weekly podcast where two members of the team go one-on-one on a topic that they both feel strongly about, talking in a more deeper and, yes, intimate context.
This week, Cameron and Elliot take a long hard look at one award we’ve yet to hand out in the world of gaming in 2018. With so many massive blockbuster games and amazing Indies out there, we can never forget to point a big finger at the flops, the duds, the failures, the games of 2018 that were just bad. Because if we can’t learn from our mistakes we’re doomed to repeat history.
The boys run you through their nominations before coming to a conclusion on what we think deserves to be titles the Gaming Flop of 2018. Elliot talks about his disappointment with more than one game this year that he had been hyped for, that is until he actually played them. While Cameron ruminates on the fact that maybe an open world map isn’t always the best solution for already popular franchises.
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Your hosts:

Elliot Attard
Beer aficionado, PC gamer, TV show binge-watcher, music lover, and elite member of high society - Elliot possesses all of the qualities needed to project his word thoughts straight into your eye holes.

Cameron Honey-Swain
Cameron knows what he loves. Witches, animated ducks and a strong burly female protagonist. When he isn't effortlessly defending Dragon Age II he is bothering either his husband or one of his many fur children.