Listen to the show!
Checkpoint Intimates is a weekly podcast where two members of the team go one-on-one on a topic that they both feel strongly about, talking in a more deeper and, yes, intimate context.
This week, Elliot and Jack from Zed Games pull back the curtain and talk about what it takes to create gaming media. Whether it be a radio show, a podcast, a TV show or a website there is sooooooo much work that goes into content creation for all of our wonderful followers!
The boys break down how you can get started in content creation for gaming media as well as how to pick which outlet is best for you. Does radio have strengths that TV doesn’t? Should you write or record a podcast? Why is it that Checkpoint and Zed Games provide content in slightly different ways? Listen and find out.
For all the latest updates as always, head to our official website at
Your hosts:

Elliot Attard
Beer aficionado, PC gamer, TV show binge-watcher, music lover, and elite member of high society - Elliot possesses all of the qualities needed to project his word thoughts straight into your eye holes.