Checkpoint’s 2020 Nintendo Predictions!

Posted on January 30, 2020

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Cam, Hailey, Edie and Pedro bring you their 2020 Nintendo Predictions around the Switch and upcoming games! Don’t miss any of the action and don’t forget to check out the first half of this podcast to keep up to date!

Your hosts:

Cameron Honey-Swain

Cameron Honey-Swain

Cameron knows what he loves. Witches, animated ducks and a strong burly female protagonist. When he isn't effortlessly defending Dragon Age II he is bothering either his husband or one of his many fur children.

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Hailey McKay

Hailey McKay

When not writing for Checkpoint, Hailey enjoys dungeon delving, stagecoach robbery, and hunting monsters with her friends. She also spends a little too much time reading comics.

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Edie W-K

Edie W-K


If it isn't video games, Edie doesn't care about it. She's been playing games since the N64 era, and only spent enough time away from her 3DS to earn a Bachelor in Games Design from RMIT.

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Pedro Cooray

Pedro Cooray


Pedro would like to apologise in advance for talking about Final Fantasy XIII-2 during a totally unrelated conversation. He really can't help himself.

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