October 13, 2016
Evolution Studios
I would like to clear the air to begin with for this piece. The extent of my racing game experience revolves around Mario Kart, which I feel I’m pretty good at. Driveclub VR takes that experience to a different level, and while I kind of sucked at it, I can definitely appreciate what the game attempts to do.

Driveclub VR is one of the more fleshed out VR titles that is currently out there. There are so many courses for you to take on, a huge variety of cars to unlock and a variety of challenges to meet to increase your reputation rank.
The difference in visuals is a little jarring however. The static menus, car galleries and initial race setups are all beautiful. The surroundings you race through however, especially the further you look, all blend together into non-descript shapes.
Racing games belong, and should flourish, in seated VR titles. There is so much that developers could work with, but Driveclub VR doesn’t really capitalise on very much.
I loved the fact that the side and rear view mirrors are functional, and that the reflections are detailed. I also like that you can customise the height at which you can sit behind the wheel.
Perhaps it is still reflective of early days, or maybe I’m just estranged from the genre, but I would have liked to have seen interactivity beyond the Dualshock 4 controller. As far as I have been able to ascertain, there is steering wheel support for the title, and that would change the experience entirely. I also feel like the overhead bar that informs you of your position and lap number is placed way too high, you have to look up, taking your eyes almost off of the road, to see it.
- Authentic representation of driving
- Field of vision is great
- Great quantity of things to do
- Variation in graphics off putting
- Feels a little lacklustre at times
While a great demonstration of what driving games can do in VR, I feel like this is more of a test demo rather than an advancement of the genre. I also feel like this game is one that will only suit short periods of gameplay, which will probably only appeal to some. Having done a bit of research into the original title versus this one, I would highly encourage you do the same, carefully weighing up the gain of the VR experience against the loss of overall polish.