Xbox One, , PS4, , Wii,
October 25, 2016
Ubisoft Paris
If you’ve ever played a Just Dance title, or perhaps seen a group of people boogie-ing on down, then you will have a good idea of what to expect from Just Dance 2017. Just Dance is full of high-energy songs with equally high energy moves to be busted out in your living room with a group of friends. Let’s be honest here, Just Dance isn’t really a game to play alone and is best enjoyed with a bunch of people so that everybody is just as self-conscious about their daggy dance moves as you are and pro-tip, don’t watch yourself back unless you’re ready to laugh at yourself.
“Just Dance is full of high-energy songs with equally high energy moves to be busted out in your living room with a group of friends.”
The 2017 iteration is a little more user friendly than previous versions as you can now use your phone as your controller rather than having to rely on a camera accessory. Though this can be both a positive and a negative, depending on if you get a little over-excited whilst dancing and lose grip on your phone. Just make sure you don’t send it flying across the room. It’s much easier to just leave it to the camera if you have one.
There are four main play modes – single, duo, trio and quadruple so it’s definitely a game better played with friends, however connecting via the app allows you to have up to 6 players instead. Dance Quests, Sweat (workout and playlist modes), Just Dance TV and World Dance Floor have all been retained from previous iterations with the new “Just Dance Machine” mode seeing players perform various dance styles in the one session to help some aliens return back home. Yes, it’s just as weird as it sounds.

The Just Dance Subscription service is also available which allows you to pay a fee to stream a library of songs from previous games as well as exclusive songs only available with the subscription. The songs available to play range from top 40 hits like Sia’s “Cheap Thrills” and “Into You” by Ariana Grande to more obscure Asian pop titles like “Oishii Oishii” by Wanko Ni Mero Mero and “PoPiPo” by Hatsune Miko.
Coupled with the dance animations these titles are a lot of fun to play, and then you remember that someone got paid to dance in front of a green screen wearing a celery costume and it’s even more fun to imagine.
- High Energy Fun
- Silly music
- Low price point
- Kinda daggy
- Don't lose your grip on your phone!
All in all, Just Dance 2017 is a bit of silly fun to play at a party with friends and burning calories whilst playing a video game is always going to be a win. In comparison to most other titles, the main game itself is fairly good value and is some good cheap fun that will last you for quite a while.