Xbox One, PS4, PC
April 21, 2020
Blowfish Studios
Error 404 Game Studios
Obey Me is a frantic supernatural brawler developed by Error 404 Game Studios and published by Blowfish Studios. But with all of the alternatives on the market, does the world really need another co-op brawler? And if so is this one worth your money and your time?
Obey Me is a frantic 3D Brawler that revolves around a duo of misfit demons as they fight hordes of mutants, hellish fiends and angelical contraptions alike. Embark on a journey in a city fraught with peril while slashing, kicking and biting your way through hordes of foes, consuming their souls to unlock new combos, skills and trans-formations. Obtain and master several different weapons, with their own attacks and special abilities, and harvest the souls of fallen enemies to upgrade your weapons.
In Obey Me, heaven and hell are locked in an eternal conflict where the souls of mankind are at stake. In the intro we have a Mr. Big type character overlooking a pretty skyline explaining why we (Vanessa) are being sent on a mission with our Hellhound companion Monty to retrieve mythical weapons. I hate to say it but I thought the voice overs just weren’t very good and I felt like skipping through them for the most part. The main campaign can be completed in a few hours with most chapters sitting at about 30 minutes in length if you do plenty of exploring.
Gameplay wise, this is your standard top down button mashing fare. You pick up different weapons along the way such as a hammer and sword plus shield. Each of the weapons have their own special abilities and each can be levelled up via a skills tree. The same goes for Monty, who as you progress through the game will be able to change into various forms again with unique abilities and a skill tree.

To Error 404 Game Studios’ credit, the enemies do vary in size and behaviour in Obey Me and for the most part reflect the environment in which they are found. Although in my experience it didn’t really matter which weapon I used to fight them or what approach I took. Button mashing was fine to get me through for the most part and I found that only with the bosses a little strategy was required.
Aside from waves of enemies, some of the chapters engage physical obstacles and puzzles, things like rising spikes, lasers, buzz saws and spinning flames (sometimes all at once!) which adds a pretty enjoyable puzzle aspect to the game. These portions of the game were definitely a highlight for me and broke the button mashing monotony that makes up the majority of the game.
Your character can warp a short distance and this mechanic is put to good use attempting to navigate various traps and obstacles. The design of these particular sections is really solid and to be honest, these sections were my favourite parts of the game. Put the hordes aside and give me thirty levels of obstacle puzzles and this would have been an awesome game.
Graphically, it looks like a hack and slash from a couple of generations ago if I’m honest. The levels are fairly standard visually, using your typical video game themes of having a green level (kind of sewer like), a red themed level (fire/hell) and a blue level (Ice) for example. The enemies materialise from nowhere and artificial barriers appear to make you fight them. This feels like a feature from generations past. In this day and age, particularly in real time combat, you should be able to see who you will be fighting before you engage them and you should be able to avoid or leave a battle if you wish. The soundtrack really is not noteworthy either in my view as it just faded into the background.
Playing this game, there were aspects that stood out to me such as the puzzles in some levels. But to be brutally honest, overall I found it to be a painful game to play. It is very repetitive, not much happens during the course of the story, some of the boss fights are frustrating and really it doesn’t feel like there was much of a payoff for levelling my weapons and skills.
For some that do really enjoy this genre they may get a couple of decent hours out of it with co-op, but there are other options on the market in this genre that are better value for money.
- Glimpses of great level design when navigating physical hazards
- Multiple weapons to collect and level up
- Gameplay feels repetitive and monotonous
- Overall presentation is best described as bland
- Doesn't add anything new to the genre
I recognise the effort that indie developers put into their games however I just cannot give this one a pass. There are plenty of frantic brawlers on the market to choose from and really there isn’t anything here that hasn’t been better executed elsewhere. It could work as a quick weekend play through with a friend but playing the game’s campaign solo just felt like a chore.
Aside from some decent level design in parts, the gameplay started to drag pretty soon in. The enemies started to annoy me and I begun to look forward to when the game was finally done. If they had expanded the exploration and physical obstacle sections of the game and dialled down the button mashing this could have been a decent title. But as it is, unfortunately it’s just another cheap brawler on an online store.