Indie platformer A Hat in Time is launching soon

Posted on July 28, 2017

A Hat in Time is finally going to be fully released after what turned out to be a rather long development cycle. The game was first introduced to us 4 years ago via crowdfunding website Kickstarter and will be launching on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One this spring (or fall for those in the Northern Hemisphere).

A hat in Time promo image

The news comes via the game’s most recent trailer release which can be seen below. A Hat in Time is being developed by Gears for Breakfast and published by Humble. The game will be the first console launch published by Humble who are most well known for their charitable game bundles but who are now stepping into the publishing scene as well.

A Hat in Time pays homage to the old-school 3D platformer genre, a genre known for games like Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie. The idea of collecting and free movement in a fascinating and bright world is the main idea A Hat in Time features. With over 35 acts coming with the release of the game, it is looking to be very different from its beta and alpha versions.

For more information on this title, check out their website.