Nintendo have been hinting that this year’s E3 will be “huge”, and it is looking like it will be! But the question is, have Nintendo already released all their news?
One thing is for sure, this year will be the year of the Nintendo mascots.
In a few weeks’ time, Nintendo would have released two new consoles this year (if you count the New 2DS XL as being new) and the focus will be on new Switch titles to rival the success of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Not to sound overly cynical, but there has been a definite lack of Switch titles available since launch and Nintendo need to be seen releasing original titles, not remakes of games such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers and Minecraft. This is being said without any disrespect to these titles that definitely deserve to be part of the Switch collection, but many fans are waiting for new games to show just what the Switch is capable of.
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo have already announced that more details will be given about many of their upcoming titles including the promising ‘sandbox’ game Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, ARMS and possibly even Xenoblade Chronicles 2. We may even receive some information about Switch-specific content for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (yes, another remake).
It looks as though Ubisoft may be taking care of the official announcement of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle but I wouldn’t be surprised to hear a mention given an additional opportunity to promote Mario, to keep with the mascot plugging theme.

It has been leaked that Super Smash Bros will finally make its way onto the Switch, which isn’t terribly surprising seeing the continual release of Amiibos such as for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, and the fact this game had become a must-have for previous Nintendo platforms. And in the same fashion as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, this will be the perfect opportunity for Nintendo to further brand their new mascots from games such as Splatoon, and who knows, maybe even ARMS and a Rabbid or two?

Although personally I would like to hear an announcement of Monster Hunter XX making its way out of Japan, that is probably a wish best left for E3 2018. Perhaps less probable would be any announcement of a Marvel vs Capcom game to be made for the Switch, but given the surprising move of Street Fighter II being made for this console so close to its launch, perhaps they are testing the waters. At the very least we may hear mention of more Capcom games in the near future, if not at E3.

The most exciting news Nintendo have just released is that Pokkén Tournament DX will be the first Pokémon game for the Switch. The Wii U tournament style fighting game was amazingly good and it was a shame that support for the console was stopped so quickly after its release.
While many were waiting for an announcement of the fabled Pokémon Stars, it looks as though this E3 we may have to settle for the great Pokémon games already coming our way. Still, keen observers discovered that www.pokemon.com/hoshi (Japanese for ‘star’) now redirects to the normal pokemon.com site, a sign the powers-that-be may still be developing this elusive title.
Nintendo are just about to release the New 2DS XL, and one would hope, and expect, this would mean several new big titles to these portable devices. Although there will not be any specific press conference for any 3DS titles, Nintendo have promised new announcements for their portable devices, and they have already started early, particularly when it comes to Pokémon.
Nowadays it certainly seems as though Pikachu has overtaken Mario as Nintendo’s mascot (well he is cuter and doesn’t hang around in sewers). It is of no surprise given the success of the hit Pokémon games Pokémon Sun and Moon exceeding 15.44 million units worldwide that more Pokémon games are in the works. We also know that Hey! PIKMIN and Ever Oasis are just around the corner, so they may get some time to shine too.

Despite their success, it is of great surprise to hear that Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon are coming to the 3DS/2DS on November 17 2017 with alternative storylines and all new Pokémon.
This will most definitely be the focus of much discussion during E3, and pretty much every day until their release later this year.

In another surprise announcement from Nintendo, backwards compatible virtual versions of Pokémon Gold and Silver were announced to be released on Nintendo 3DS/2DS on November 22 2017.
Although it is not expected that these games will be focused upon during E3, it is clear that Nintendo still want to support their portable platforms for the time being.
The predictions
While not so much of a prediction, it is already known that Nintendo E3 2017 attention will be firmly placed upon Super Mario Odyssey, with a strong promotion to their confirmed upcoming titles ARMS and Splatoon 2. It is predicted that Super Smash Bros will be major ‘new announcement’ (I am never convinced leaks are unintentional), and we may see more information regarding the newest Pokémon games to be released for Switch (Pokkén Tournament DX) and 3DS/2DS (Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon).
But perhaps Nintendo will surprise us all and have another secret or two up their sleeves.