Horizon Zero Dawn exceeds 2.6Mil sales with an expansion under development

Posted on March 17, 2017

Guerilla Games, developers for Horizon Zero Dawn, have just released a blog post outlining the success of the game and confirming that a story expansion is under development.

The new IP has been doing very well for both PlayStation and Guerilla, with the latest details revealing 2.6 million sales in the first 2 weeks. With those sales figures, Horizon has also become “the best-selling new first party IP launch on the PS4 system to date and Guerrilla’s biggest debut ever.”

horizon 1

The good news doesn’t stop there for the game, with a story expansion also confirmed by Guerilla.

“This is only the beginning of Aloy’s story and our exploration of the world of Horizon Zero Dawn, with the team already hard at work on an expansion to the story.”

An expansion arriving for a popular game isn’t really much of a surprise. Although confirmation that it is already underway is good news for those who have completed the story and are itching for more content.