Break the law with Lawbreakers open beta

Posted on July 2, 2017

Starting yesterday at 2AM (If my knowledge of timezone conversions to AEST is to be believed.), Lawbreakers free beta is open to the public. Just so everyone is clear, every time I write anything on Lawbreakers, the Clash gets stuck in my head.

Lawbreakers- if you didn’t read my last article on the subject,is a gravity defying first person shooter.  You’re not a ‘Lawbreaker’ per se ,but either an ‘Upholder of the Law’ or a ‘Breaker’. It’s competitive based play in a similar style to Overwatch. That is, if Overwatch decided that gravity was an unnecessary part of life.

lawbreakers gameplay
Who needs gravity?

The official beta is now open to everyone, and is available to play for free for 5 days. (So get in fast!)

The beta boasts a new map called ‘Vertigo’  (Fitting) which is a high-altitude reconnaissance outpost. It’s also bringing a new  game mode called Uplink. In this mode, you’ll have to capture the ‘uplink’ on the map and bring it back to your teams base. So, it’s basically capture the flag.

Gameplay of Lawbreaker

If you try the beta now, you’ll also get a Beta Participant weapon sticker. It’ll transfer to the full game, and all you have to do is participate in 5 full matches.

If this sounds like your cup of gravity defying tea, then get the Beta for free on the Steam here. It’ll be closed and finished on the 5th of July though, so get on it ASAP.