RAGE 2 E3 trailer expands on the wickedly fun gameplay

Posted on June 11, 2018

One game we already knew abut but were eager to see more at E3 was RAGE 2. The game is being developed by id Software and Avalanche Studios and is the sequel to the post-apocalyptic shooter from 2011. We had already previously received a teaser and a gameplay trailer, but now we get an extended look into the game’s world and the frenetic combat.

Standing out most from the new trailer is just how crazy the game’s combat can be. The id Software style of gunplay is back and if RAGE 2 controls anything like DOOM then we will be in for a whole lot of fun. There are also a huge range of abilities on show, including a power jump and the iconic boomerang blades from the original game.

Perhaps the most horrifying part of the game’s extended reveal was the collectors edition which includes a talking mutant head. No, really.

RAGE 2 will be releasing to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in Autumn 2019 (Spring for those in the Northern Hemisphere).