EA is donating $1 million to the victims of the Madden shooting catastrophe

Posted on August 31, 2018

Earlier in the week, horrific news broke of a mass shooting taking place at a Madden tournament in Jacksonville, Florida.  Today EA (publisher for the game series) has responded by announcing that they are establishing “The Jacksonville Tribute” and making a $1 million contribution. The Tribute is a fund that will allow others to donate to the cause alongside EA.

EA’s contributions and any further contributions from the public will go to the victims of the tragic event including the families of Taylor Robertson and Elijah Clayton (pictured below), two men who were killed at the scene. A third death was that of the shooter, who turned the gun on himself during the event. Many other were injured.

Victims of the madden shooting, Taylor Robertson and Elijah Clayton

“The events last weekend in Jacksonville will impact the gaming community forever. We can’t begin to understand the pain so many are going through, nor do we pretend to have all the answers that will help us through the healing process.”

“But as is so often the case, our community inspires us.  The way you are coming together, and the outpouring of support for all those affected by this tragedy, is incredibly uplifting.  We want to join you.”

EA will also host a livestream  on September 6th, hoping to help unite the gaming community in the wake of the catastrophe. More details on the livestream and The Jacksonville Tribute will arrive soon. The shooting will no doubt go down as one of the most horrific incidents in the gaming world, but EA and the community are collectively reacting in a very positive and supportive way. Let’s hope we are able to move forward as a community with the deepest condolences going to the friends and families of the victims.