Harvest Moon: Friends Of Mineral Town gets a Switch remake

Posted on July 10, 2019

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is set to soon make a return to Nintendo Switch. It isn’t just a simple port either, the game that initially released in 2003 is getting remade on the Switch for Japanese audiences.

Information released so far for the new game is limited. Just how much the original will be either reworked or extended upon is unclear but there have been a few screenshots released. These images have come out courtesy of Famitsu.

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If these images are enough to go off it could potentially feature not only the original game’s content but the separate expanded version titled More Friends of Mineral Town. This is exciting in itself because this version featured a female protagonist.

Harvest Moon: Friends Of Mineral Town currently has no release date yet for Western audiences but is set to come out on the 17th of October in Japan. We have included Nintendo Life’s video above that excellently theorises just what the game may look like and how much of a big deal it could actually be. With it now being a bit of time since My Time at Portia released, this may be a good new farming fix

What do you think of the reveal? Did you play the first version back on the GBA? Are you going to play this one at its likely inevitable release? Let us know in the comments below.