Godfall PS5 gameplay trailer leaks online

Posted on January 22, 2020

A gameplay trailer for the upcoming title Godfall has leaked online. The game, which is being developed by Counterplay and published by Gearbox Publishing, is set to release on the upcoming PS5 and PC via the Epic Games Store. The trailer can currently be viewed at this site.

Announced during last year’s Game Awards presentation, Godfall is described as a a co-op “looter-slasher” with a strong emphasis on melee combat. The leaked trailer shows the player character engaging in melee combat with various enemies and exploring serene environments. The trailer is definitely promoting the technical strengths of Sony’s upcoming console, with some very impressive lighting and particle effects. The footage lacks user interface elements, which will likely be present in an official gameplay trailer when it becomes available.


According to the developers, the trailer is authentic, and based on the game’s status a year ago running on PC hardware. Counterplay is working on a new trailer which will provide a “more detailed look” at Godfall’s gameplay.

Godfall will be releasing on PS5 and PC during the 2020 holiday season alongside the PlayStation 5. We can expect Counterplay and Gearbox to reveal more information about their mysterious launch title over the coming weeks.