Epic Games Store adds Australian currency support

Posted on May 3, 2020

The Epic Games Store has finally joined the other major online PC game storefronts and added support for Australian currency in its pricing. No longer will Australian gamers need to calculate the exchange rate from USD when making purchases. Other display prices that are now supported are the local currencies for Canada, Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Epic Games Store

Similarly to Steam, the Epic Games Store did not debut with Australian Dollar support, instead listing all prices in USD. But unlike Steam, Epic did not take over a decade to get around to making the change to display prices in our local currency. Preferably the store would have offered Australian Dollar prices to begin with, but better late than never.

The end result will make some games somewhat cheaper, once the currency conversion is factored in. For instance, considering currency conversion, Death Stranding used to cost us $110AU, whereas now it is listed for just $91AU. It will also make it far more clear what gamers are actually paying for their games, and how much they are saving during sales.

Epic Games has published a roadmap for its upcoming plans for the Epic Games Store. The next announced features are a Trending page, official mod support and self-service refunds, among others. These are features that its competitors, primarily Steam, have supported for several years. While the Epic Games Store is improving quite rapidly and introducing much-needed features, it still has some catching up to do.