Devolverland Expo is a game full of trailers for games

Posted on July 12, 2020

Once again using a beautifully polished piece of satire to announce their upcoming games, maverick indie publishers Devolver Digital have released first-person ‘marketing simulator’ Devolverland Expo for free on Steam.

Developed by Shadow Warrior devs Flying Wild Hog, Devolverland Expo tasks players with exploring an abandoned convention centre after the annual Devolver Digital game expo was ‘mysteriously canceled’. Security drones patrol the centre, “busting” you if they detect you. Stealthing your way to the Devolver merchandise counter gives you some kind of t-shirt cannon that can be used for puzzles and combat. You sneak around the expo, plugging robots and stealing game trailers. There are things to shoot, merch to collect, and videos to watch – it’s a slick and silly piece of advertising. 

Devolverland expo

This comes straight after the latest Devolver Direct, which showed trailers for a number of games including Shadow Warrior 3 and a new Serious Sam game (for PC and Stadia, of all things). The Direct delightfully parodied Nintendo’s cute presentations and thankfully gave us more Nina Struthers lore to add to the Devolver expanded canon.

However, there are a few trailers in Devolverland Expo that were not featured in the Direct – you can find these secret “hidden gems” within the game, or if you’re impatient you can watch the trailers from within the game’s Steam folder (which would be cheating, of course). Games featured include:

  • Blightbound
  • Carrion
  • Disc Room
  • Fall Guys
  • Olija
  • Shadow Warrior 3
  • Weird West

You can download Devolverland Expo from Steam for free, starting today. What do you think of Devolver’s latest zany stunt? Are you excited to get stuck into some deliciously crafted advertising? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and don’t forget to enter our latest competition!