Twin Mirror, DONTNOD’s psychological thriller, releasing soon

Posted on September 16, 2020

Twin Mirror has finally received a release date after it was announced by devs DONTNOD in mid 2018. To accompany this announcement, they have shared a new gameplay trailer that takes a closer look into the mind of protagonist, Sam Higgs.

Sam has gone back to this home town of West Virginia for the funeral of his best friend, Nick. He discovers that the circumstances behind his death are very suspicious and that the town “holds numerous dark secrets.” Therefore, he begins to investigate to try and find the truth behind his friend’s death and get the dirt on what is happening in his home town.

Sam was a former investigative journalist and therefore has developed “analytical skills represented in the game by the Mind Palace, a place where players can discover multiple aspects of his personality.” This Mind Palace will let players delve into Sam’s past memories via flashback sequences and is the main way that players, and Sam himself, will search for the truth on his journey. By using his Mind Palace, players will be “able to study the environment and gather clues allowing the simulation of multiple scenarios to deduct the course of events or predict the story’s key turning points.”

However, due to the trauma associated with the events, Sam realises that the Mind Palace “doesn’t really help him confront his fears or reconnect with his acquaintances.” This is where the Double comes into Sam’s life. It is a version of himself that only Sam can see and is “a representation of himself (that is) more emphatic and social.”  It becomes a part of him that he can rely on to help him through  “social interactions and navigate a society that sometimes rejects singularity.”

Twin Mirror will be released on the 1st of December, 2020 on PS4, Xbox One and exclusively on PC via Epic Games Store. If you pre-order via Epic Games Store you will receive the game’s original soundtrack as a digital pre-order bonus.