Lake, the indie about a postal worker arrives in September

Posted on June 13, 2021

We’ve had Microsoft Flight Simulator. Even a Lawn Mowing Simulator. However, we’ve yet to have anything like this. Lake is an upcoming indie narrative game that simulates players moving to their regional hometown and taking up the role of a postal worker.

Throughout your journey in Lake, you’ll be delivering packages and letters to individuals. You’ll be meeting a curious cast of characters across the game’s scenic lakeside town. Some friendly. Some not so friendly. Undoubtedly, even some just incredibly eager to receive their package.

Lake is one of many games that was shown at the most recent Wholesome Direct and it’s also one of the most striking and unique. It’s being developed by Gamious and published by Whitehorn Digital.


The postal adventure also isn’t really that far off at all. Lake arrives September 1st on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC. Are you keen to don a postal worker outfit and hit the road? If so, wishlist it on Steam now!