Aussie game Webbed is an adorable spider platformer releasing next month

Posted on August 4, 2021

If you don’t think spiders can be cute then you’ve obviously never laid eyes on Webbed from Brisbane developer Sbug Games. This little Aussie release looks better and better every time we see it, with our eight-legged friend swinging into release on September 9.

Played as a sidescrolling puzzle/platformer, Webbed has players taking control of a happy little arachnid who’s on a quest to save her boyfriend from a threatening bowerbird. Web slinging will be key as players make their own paths through an interconnected world. Swinging from webs should be expected, as should spider skateboarding and befriending insects through dance!

It’s clear a lot of love from developer Riley Neville has gone into this project, with every frame oozing with personality and talent. It’s actually a good time for Aussie made games with the Melbourne-made The Forgotten City just releasing to critical acclaim and the highly anticipated The Artful Escape releasing the same day as Webbed!

For those still not sold on having a spider protagonist, no matter how cute, Neville has also previously confirmed an arachnaphobia mode that turns the spider into an equally adorable yet potentially less triggering pink blob.

We can’t wait to see more of this game when it releases to PC on September 9th.