Fortnite launches OG Season to record player numbers

Posted on November 8, 2023

Where we droppin’ boys, girls, gays and theys? It seems we’re in for a blast from the past! While Fortnite may be in its fourth chapter and iteration of the iconic battle royale map, it’s back to basics for Fortnite OG in all the best ways. But without that flash the game has become known for, is the nostalgia worth it? Drop an eye on the trailer below!

What a blast from the past! While Fortnite’s story has been through its fair share of ups and downs, meteors and cubic plagues were right back where it began – kind of! This season the map will transform week by week, as it did right back during what was then Chapter 1. We’re also seeing familiar blends of cosmetics touching down in the OG battle pass. Already, player numbers have been at an all-time high as players return to see the old map they played back in the so-called heyday of Fortnite. Boasting over 44.7 million players on its first day, OG is a return to form for many players to say the least and it’s continuing to grow.

The weapon pool is also honest to what was available back in Chapter 1 with double pump shotguns, assault rifles and even the ever-accurate rifle back. In the time I’ve played with this kit, it’s been like riding a bike to get back into the swing of things. Much has changed but the bones of Fortnite still are as sturdy as ever.

And let’s not forget the vehicles! Shopping trolleys and golf karts have been missed but the controls not so much. You haven’t lived till you’ve pushed a shopping trolley off a ramp and flown through the air against gravity. Similarly, the ATK Kart is a mean ride that drifts like a breeze.

As the season progresses we’ll see many familiar weapons and vehicles. Clinkers, Miniguns, Air Strikes and many other offensive items will spawn around the OG map. Vehicles like The Baller to the Pirate Cannon or even the planes will be finally back on the map, too. While Fortnite’s always had a flair for vehicles, seeing some of these back in the rotation is going to be awesome for new players. Locations will also be returning from each of the seasons for those curious.

It’s also a short season, with the length being around 1 month long; certainly one of the game’s shorter seasons. With the end of the last season, the story has remained rather vague compared to other seasons with no live events but at the climax of Fortnite OG we will be treated to a live event to mark the beginning of the games next season. I’m enjoying the hit of nostalgia this OG season has brought but I still enjoy the randomness of what each season was. We’ve seen Marvel superheroes crash land, spires formed and vaults built and still, Fortnite is a Hunger Games at its heart.

Fortnite Chapter 4, Season OG is available free to play now on basically everything.