Hell is Us finally gets a gameplay reveal

Posted on September 25, 2024

Elusive adventure Hell is Us has been teasing us for a while, but finally this morning during the Playstation State Of Play broadcast we got a gameplay reveal trailer! Billed as a 3rd-person action-adventure, Hell is Us sees players seeking answers during a mysterious calamity that’s befallen the land.

Initially, I had the impression that this game might have a Death Stranding vibe, but as I delved deeper I realized that Hell Is Us stands on its own as a completely unique experience. The game’s portrayal of monsters and environments is particularly intriguing, toeing the line between medieval and present-day settings. The blending of these elements creates a fresh world much unlike anything we’ve seen. Rogue Factory said the following about the game’s open world via the PlayStation Blog:

“In Hell is Us, you won’t have a magical map or compass revealing all points of interest surrounding you, no markers identifying your next quest objective, and no artificial or mechanical guides to orient you. Instead, we invite you to dive directly into the game’s universe and rely on your own observation, reasoning, and intuition to progress. The environments are not there simply to decorate, they are there to communicate. Correspondingly, paying attention to what the NPCs tell you is crucial; as what they tell you is actual organic information about what to do and how to do it.”

Hell is Us will arrive sometime in 2025 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.