Skin Deep is the latest release from Blendo Games

Posted on February 25, 2025

This morning’s Annapurna Interactive Showcase revealed a trailer for Skin Deep, the latest release from esoteric indie studio Blendo Games. Skin Deep is an upcoming immersive sim stealth first-person shooter where the player infiltrates a space ship taken over by pirates to rescue the trapped crew on board.

Skin Deep has had a long development road, having been revealed in 2018 and teased in Annapurna Interactive’s 2022 showcase. The game has a similar sense of humour and art style to Blendo Games’ previous titles and the trailer reveals silly stealth mechanics such as sneezing, slipping on banana peels and throwing pot plants at enemies.

Blendo Games is an indie games studio in California founded by Brendan Chung. Blendo Games’ previous titles include short narrative games Gravity Bone, Thirty Flights of Loving and cyberpunk heist Quadrilateral Cowboy.

Skin Deep is releasing on PC on the 30th of April, 2025. A demo on Steam is now available to try here.