ONINAKI is a new RPG from Square Enix

Posted on February 14, 2019

A whole heap of cool stuff got announced in today’s Nintendo Direct, including a brand new title by Square Enix: an action RPG where the player takes control of a ‘Watcher’ named Kagachi. He is a member of the Veil Watch, a group with the responsibility of recovering lost souls before they are corrupted into deamons. The game is called ONINAKI, and it’s by the same developers that brought us I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear.

ONINAKI is set in a world upheld by “the tenants of reincarnation”. Kagachi must travel between two worlds, the Living World and the Beyond, to find lost souls and defeat daemons. He manifests the souls that he saves as weapons, which will act as the different classes that are a staple of JRPGs, according to Square Enix. Though, it looks like we’ll be able to swap around souls to account for each situation, so perhaps they’re more like weapons? Hopefully we’ll hear more closer to the release date.

I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear were both successful throwbacks to old-school RPG’s when they launched, but were very similar in style and execution. It’s nice to see Tokyo RPG Factory going in a slightly different direction, with real-time combat and modern art-style being the noticeable differences, while sticking to their JRPG roots.

screenshot from ONINAKI's trailer

ONINAKI is set to come out sometime during winter this year, so perhaps we’ll see more very soon. To see what else is coming for the Switch in the near future, you can watch today’s full Nintendo Direct here.