Melbourne game Chorus has just become a crowd-funding success

Posted on November 5, 2019

Chorus, a game that describes itself as an interactive musical, has just reached its $600,000 USD funding goal on Fig. The crowd-funding campaign was launched only weeks ago when the game was revealed at PAX Australia.

Chorus: An Adventure Musical is a pretty unique and ambitious project with some big names helping to put this game on the map. The game is being developed by Summerfall Studios who announced their forming back in September. Liam Esler and David Gaider are at the helm, both being notable not only within the game development community but also within the queer community too. Esler helped form GX Australia (which sadly no longer runs), an LGBTQIA+ gaming convention. Gaider is an ex-Bioware writer who is notable for not only taking the lead on Dragon Age: Origins and Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark, but also bringing to life some amazing queer characters through his writing.

It’s exciting to see this Melbourne developed project reach its funding goal. But what should we expect from Chorus? Well, according to the Fig page:

“CHORUS is an adventure musical — one part narrative-driven adventure and one part interactive musical, written by former BioWare lead writer David Gaider, scored by award-winning composer Austin Wintory, voice directed by acclaimed actor and director, Troy Baker, and starring the extremely talented Laura Bailey.”

“Featuring a cast of rich and compelling characters, CHORUS is a thrilling tale of gods, romance, danger, and tragedy… all brought to life through the power of song.”

Chorus art

It’s an ambitiously unique project. And with names such as David Gaider, Liam Esler, Austin Wintory, Troy Baker and Laura Bailey attached – it’s definitely a title that has us intrigued. For those who want to continue to help fund Chorus and help it reach its strecth goals, you can do so on its Fig page.

I for one am interested to see how this all turns out.