Check out these new Resident Evil 3 Remake screenshots!

Posted on February 26, 2020


While video game leaks and previews are a common thing in the games industry, its been a good while since an avalanche of screenshots made its way onto the front pages of the internet. New images showing monsters, familiar locations and characters from Resident Evil 3 Remake have been released prematurely via Resetera. The source of the photos is French gaming website Gamergen, who were lucky enough to preview a small portion of the game. While a lot of this isn’t necessarily new information, its amazing too see how far game engines have come since the days of early 3D graphics engines. Check ’em out:

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There are plenty more images that were released, mostly showing already seen locations and enemy types; way too many to post here so if you wish to look at all of the images listed, feel free. We don’t have long to wait to finally get hands-on time with the game. When the games first reveal trailer was unveiled at the most recent Playstation State of Play, fans rejoiced that Capcom’s latest game would be yet another remake of a classic game. And with Capcom’s recent track record, hopes are high that this next remake will also prove to be a hit amongst fans and newcomers alike. Resident Evil 3 Remake releases on April 3rd for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4. And of course, it will be available on PC from day one.

Speaking of the PC release, Capcom has had a excellent track record for PC ports for their last few games. Devil May Cry V, Monster Hunter World and Resident Evil 2 Remake were all ported to the PC with great success. The latest RE Remake utilises a similar engine, so we can expect a well optimised gaming experience that will look and play amazingly.

We will update this story should additional images (or potentially gameplay footage) be released. In the meantime, be sure to let us know what you’re most excited to see in the Resident Evil 3 Remake!