Constantly refreshing Twitter’s trending tags? Reddit permanently set to “new”? Drawn to the latest gaming fads? Checkpoint’s got you covered. Take a look at this week’s ‘Top and Trending’ to see the best selling and most popular video games, and find out what all the kids are talking about!
Top Selling Games in Australia
(26/10 – 01/11) Data sourced from IGEA
1. Watch Dogs: Legion
2. FIFA 21
3. Super Mario 3D All-Stars
4. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
5. Pikmin 3 Deluxe
6. The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
7. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
8. Grand Theft Auto V
9. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
10. Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time
Following its release last week, Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs: Legion has proved extremely popular with Aussie gamers. The fantasy of hacking, fighting and inhabiting the citizens of a futuristic London is an incredibly attractive premise – one that’s all the more desirable right now due to obvious travel limitations. The unique draw of the game is its “no non-player character” philosophy, which has been executed with much more precision than the similarly NPC-less Fallout 76 before it. You can check out Lisa’s thoughts on Watch Dogs here.
Also featuring in top and trending this week is Level-5’s classic adventure RPG Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Originally released for the Playstation 3 back in 2011, last year’s remastered edition is experiencing excellent sales due to a massive discount. Another remaster hitting the charts is Nintendo’s Pikmin 3 Deluxe, a reimagining of the 2013 Wii U title. The latest entry in the beloved Pikmin franchise launched on Switch last week, and you can find out why fans adore these lil leafy bois in Omi’s review here. Finally, the last hurrah for Halloween spookiness appearing in the top ten is The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope which our resident horror enthusiast Charlie reviewed here.

Top Selling Games on Steam
(26/10 – 01/11) Data sourced from SteamDB
1. Phasmophobia
2. Among Us
3. Cyberpunk 2077
4. The Outer Worlds
5. Valve Index VR Kit
6. Hades
7. Baldur’s Gate 3
8. Ghostrunner
9. Destiny 2: Beyond Light Deluxe Edition
10. Teardown
Finishing off blessed Spooktober with a bang, Phasmophobia has once again topped the Steam sales charts. Luke, Elliot and Charlie discussed this multiplayer scare-em-up in this week’s Checkpoint Halloween Horror Special, which you can check out here. Aside from the spooks, brutal cyberpunk parkour game Ghostrunner has released to critical acclaim – Taylor reviewed the title, claiming it as “an alternative to Mirror’s Edge to fully sink your teeth into.” Bungie’s Destiny 2 has also featured in top and trending as players rush to pre-purchase its upcoming Beyond Light expansion, due for release next week. And entering early access is Minecraft-meets-GTA heist game Teardown, which boasts a physics-based sandbox with fully destructible environments.

Most Watched Games on Twitch
(28/10 – 04/11) Data sourced from SullyGnome
1. League of Legends
2. Among Us
3. Fortnite
4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
5. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
6. FIFA 21
7. Minecraft
8. Grand Theft Auto V
10. Dota 2
War. War never changes. And neither do the tastes of Twitch viewers, apparently, since this week’s chart is identical to last week’s top and trending. Gamers just love their LoL. Despite Among Us and Call of Duty’s viewership falling by around 10% their sheer popularity has left their chart positions untouched. A little bit of sad trivia for this week: while many Twitch streamers are broadcasting Apex Legends (top 5 most streamed), not nearly as many viewers are keen on watching footage of the game. An F in the chat for Apex Legends fans, please.

Don’t forget to have a look at what’s been Coming Out throughout the week, and let us know what you’re excited to play next!