Gamer Grandma officially becomes oldest YouTube streamer

Posted on May 21, 2020

“My Grandma plays better than you!” may become an obsolete phrase now that 90 year old Hamako Mori is receiving some well deserved attention. Last week, Gamer Grandma, her handle on YouTube, was recognised as the “oldest YouTube streamer” by the Guinness Book of World Records.

Though her certificate was only given to her recently, Gamer Grandma has been streaming for the past five years and gaming since she was 51. She started playing video games in 1981 on a Epoch Co.’s Cassette Vision and along the years has accumulated a number of vintage games. She “treasure(s)” these items as they “bring…memories” of her history of gaming and its achievements.

Mori, a Japanese native, was enticed to start playing when she saw the enjoyment young children received from gaming. “It looked so much fun, and I thought it’s not fair if only children played it” she told Guinness Book of World records.

When she began to play, she struggled at first. However, she refused to give up and with practice, she is now playing some challenging games. Her YouTube channel sees her playing Call of Duty, Days Gone, Borderlands 3 and wait for it… Dark Souls III!

Her favourite title at the moment is Grand Theft Auto V. This may seem surprising to some due to its lewd content. This, however, is why Mori loves the game! “I like it the best because it has age restrictions, so children can’t play it!”

She loves the movie-like feel of video games and upgraded to a PS4 three years ago. Originally she was nervous about the switch from her basic PC to PlayStation. She kept the console in the box for a while due to these nerves, but is “really obsessed with it now.”

Mori plays for about eight hours a day. Her goal is to upload four videos a month to her YouTube channel which currently has 277,000 subscribers. She hopes that her recent fame will make other people her age take up gaming, as her hobby has given her so much joy. “After living for this long, I feel more than ever that playing games for this long was the right choice. I am truly enjoying my life — it’s rosy.”

Check out Grandma Gamer on YouTube and remember to keep an eye on Checkpoint for more gaming news and reviews!