Constantly refreshing Twitter’s trending tags? Reddit permanently set to “new”? Drawn to the latest gaming fads? Checkpoint’s got you covered. Take a look at this week’s ‘Top and Trending’ to see the best selling and most popular video games, and find out what all the kids are talking about!
Top Selling Games in Australia
(22/02 – 28/02) Data sourced from IGEA
1. Persona 5 Strikers
2. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury
3. Bravely Default 2
4. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
5. Grand Theft Auto V
6. FIFA 21
7. Little Nightmares 2
8. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
9. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
10. NBA 2K21
The stylistic hack’n’slash adventure Persona 5 Strikers takes the top spot in this week’s Australian sales chart, with players itching to mash buttons and cut swathes through denizens of the Metaverse – don’t forget to check out Pedro’s review if you missed it! Mario’s latest outing was bumped to second place, but another Switch release managed to squeeze in right beside it: Bravely Default 2 is confusingly the third entry in Square Enix’s neo-classic JRPG series, and its unique twist on traditional turn-based gameplay has proved alluring. You can check out Lise’s thoughts on this sprawling fantasy adventure here. Elsewhere in the trending charts, there are few surprises – our usual cast of multiplayer, sports, and open-world adventures are represented, while horror title Little Nightmares 2 persists in the wake of its release.

Top Selling Games on Steam
(22/02 – 28/02) Data sourced from SteamDB
1. Valheim
2. Valve Index VR Kit
3. Tale of Immortal (鬼谷八荒)
4. Persona 5 Strikers
5. Persona 5 Strikers
6. Stardew Valley
8. Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition
9. Baldur’s Gate 3
10. CS:GO
A surge of releases and updates stormed the Steam trending charts this week, though nothing appears able to topple Valheim from its horned Viking throne. The aforementioned Persona 5 Strikers landed to much fanfare (even going so far as to glitch itself into both fourth and fifth place – presumably an error with our source!), while anticipation for imminent looter-shooter OUTRIDERS is at an all-time high after releasing a demo. Wildly popular farming sim Stardew Valley received some attention after revealing a board game adaptation and a recent update for consoles, while Baldur’s Gate 3 has also enjoyed some hype following a hefty patch.
Over in VR Corner (as made famous by the ever-popular Valve Index VR Kit) Luke jumped into the arena with GORN, a gladiatorial brawler. You can check out just how much he enjoyed whacking his physical limbs into virtual brutes here, and also catch his preview of upcoming virtual tabletop RPG Demeo here.

Most Watched Games on Twitch
(25/02 – 03/03) Data sourced from SullyGnome
1. Grand Theft Auto V
2. League of Legends
3. Fortnite
4. Call of Duty: Warzone
5. Minecraft
7. CS: GO
8. Apex Legends
9. FIFA 21
10. DOTA 2
Not much changes in the viewing habits of Twitch viewers, with Grand Theft Auto V remaining the most watched title for the second week running. EA’s soccer phenomenon FIFA 21 received some attention patch love that modified its Ultimate Team mode, while DOTA 2 is getting some less-than-positive attention after Valve’s decision to axe its competitive card game spinoff Artefact. Riot Games’ magnum opus League of Legends also received a number of balance updates recently, contributing to its omnipotence in the Twitch trending charts.

Don’t forget to take a look at all the games Coming Out this week, and let us know what your predictions are for next week’s top and trending!