Steam is finally adding the Australian dollar
Hideo Kojima’s Zone of the Enders is about to hit PS4
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim has mechs and a gorgeous aesthetic
Sega silent disco soiree?
Neko Atsume lets you collect cats in PSVR
Nothing to sink our fangs into yet- Vampyr delayed
Tomb Raider film looks like a solid adaptation
Noctis announced for Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Junkertown and character tweaks come to Overwatch
Left Alive announced at Sony’s TGS 2017
Monster Hunter: World is arriving in January 2018
Shadow of the Colossus is back, looks stunning
Final Fantasy IX released on PS4
Battleborn development comes to an end
Researchers develop AI that recreates games via gameplay videos alone
Nintendo brings the 80’s to the Switch
Humble Bundle have now raised $100 million for charity
Lawbreakers player count plummets but Bleszinski isn’t ready to give up
Order of the Ancients revealed in Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Blizzard releases World of Warcraft pet to support disaster relief
Mario Party: The Top 100 announced for 3DS. Minigames galore!