Ubisoft set to make open world Star Wars game
Aussie telcos want game companies to pay for internet costs
Bethesda and Machine Games are making an Indiana Jones game
Lucasfilm Games brand has been resurrected, teases bright future
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition looks to launch in March
Artist claims Nintendo has used their Mario art without permission
Hype Dreams: The Nintendo Direct “leak” is a likely fake
Official Killzone website has been retired
Free games for PS4, Xbox and PC in January 2021
PogChamp emote removed from Twitch after tweeting in support of US coup
Outriders release date delayed yet again
Slay The Spire is the latest game to get a board game
Persona soundtracks have recently been added to Spotify
Minecraft Earth AR game shuts down due to global pandemic
Nintendo is buying Luigi’s Mansion developer Next Level Games
Ikea makes buying media storage easier for PS5 and Xbox Series X owners
Original Kratos voice actor confirms why he didn’t return for God of War 2018
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance PC release date confirmed
Steam announces its Best of 2020 contenders
CD Projekt investors file class action lawsuit following Cyberpunk 2077 release
Diablo Immortal, the mobile Diablo nobody wanted, isn’t that bad and it’s available now